Tuesday, January 8, 2013

iPhone Friend

Zooey Deschanel iPhone Commercial

 As an avid New Girl watcher, when I first saw this commercial featuring Zooey Deschanel I was quickly intrigued. Her quirky daily life was depicted as a rainy day spent with her iPhone friend Siri (voice command). She looks outside as she asks her iPhone friend Siri the obvious question of “is that rain outside” the useful iPhone then shows her the weather. The lovable and childish Deschanel keeps up the conversation with her iPhone friend when suggesting to get tomato soup delivered as Siri responds with giving her a list of near by restaurants that deliver. Apple using such an enjoyable character as Deschanel makes their iPhone look appealing to everyone. Since the newest and fanciest technology is often associated with angry businesspeople or rich snobs. Lets not also forget about the biggest disadvantage of new technology, how complicated it is to learn how to navigate it. By having Deschanel talk to Siri, iPhone’s voice control, she personifies the phone by making it seem like an easy helping friend she can talk to when no one else is around. Personifying the iPhone with such a happy and loving character creates such an image for a cell phone. If you buy this iPhone you will have a happy and loving friend by your side that can give you information anytime you need.
In particular I really like the end scene of the ad—dancing out of the room with the iPhone. The image that is left in your head is of a girl who just got the weather report, soup delivered to her house on a rainy day, set a reminder for later, and is now happily dancing out of the room with this phone that accomplished it all in an instant. I don’t know about you, but I would want that phone. Very clever Apple.
Another very important marketing ploy they pulled was choosing an actor of a popular TV series. From now on anytime you watch New Girl you will associate it with the iPhone. This ad is an ad that just keeps on giving. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a good post and I love New Girl too! I saw this commercial and i had the same exact reaction. You did a good job at explaining the importance of a good spokesperson and how the i-phone seems like a best friend. Nice Post !
