Thursday, September 27, 2012


Everyone deserves a chance at a life is what most pro-life supporters argue. Chance is defined as a possibility of something happening. A possibility of something happening could also be a bad thing, kind of like a risk. There is always a reason behind terminating a pregnancy, no one ever just wakes up one morning deciding you want to kill a baby.

By taking away a woman's choice to dictate what they want to put their own body through, you're taking away their voice. Stepping back decades to when they couldn't vote, but maybe even further since now it would be taking away their right to be in charge of their own body. Anyway when you have to force someone to have a baby, to give that baby's life a chance you are also risking a chance of child abuse and neglect. Like I said, there is always a reason behind having to terminate a pregnancy whether it is because of medical reasons from the baby or the mother or a whopping 93% more likely to be due to social reasons such as not being financially stable for a child or the baby is unwanted. Sure adoption is an option but our adoption system already includes 423,000 children in the U.S. alone. The kids in this system seem to result in going from foster home to foster home and on average taking at least 3 years before the child is adopted. That is very hard for a young child to accept. In fact there is even a possibility for that child to be stuck in foster care all his or her life until he or she ages out like the other 29,000 each year.

Giving a baby a chance at life is also giving that baby a chance at not having a loving a family or even a family for that matter. We have to keep in mind that it is human for people to mess up and make mistakes so to not allow women to fix theirs isn't very fair. Especially when in can result in a life being brought into the world with a very grim and uncertain destiny.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Their Opinion Should Be Everyone's Opinion?

I couldn't stop itching my dry skin on the drive to the doctors. I must have taken about a total of 12 showers in the past 3 days, I no longer have the ability to feel clean after he touched me. Trying to erase the memory that has been haunting me by removing him from my skin and hair. No matter how hard I will try I will never be able to get rid of him completely, considering he left me with his child as a reminder of what he did to me. As though forcing himself on me and ruining my sanity wasn't enough, oh no it wasn't because he left me with this reminder inside of me that my body was nurturing to grow into a real life manifestation of HIM!
I pull up to my doctors office and there is a group of protestors outside. I park my car and walk towards the building, I'm immediately bombarded by these strangers. One man is holding a sign that says "Abortion is MURDER" another is holding one saying "Everyone Should Have a Birthday". They are all screaming at once, most of them just repeating what their sign says. I almost make it to the door when the crowd gathers in front of it and won't let me pass.
"I'm not letting you kill that baby its murder!" A woman yells.
I try to ignore it and not let it get to me to push my way through, they still won't budge. They start reading off statistics of how many babies were killed last year. The anger and embarrassment starting swelling up inside me, I don't want to kill a baby, but I can't have this product of a rape in the world! I finally couldn't take it and screamed,
"I was rapped! What do you expect me to do with this baby then?!"
I didn't get the silent reaction or apologies I was hoping for.
"If it was a legitimate rape then you wouldn't be pregnant, your body would have shut down!"
"Raising a child can help you heal and forgive from the traumatic event!"
"Give the baby a chance!"
My jaw drops, I can't believe the things these people are saying!
"Let me through! You're not the one getting the abortion so why would it matter?"
No budge. I just keep hearing the same things repeated,
"Give the baby a chance"
"That baby is a gift from god!"
I knew they wouldn't let me through and I could no longer take it, I ran back to my car in tears. Just because these people don't believe in something they think they should force their opinion on everyone else. Trying to make abortion illegal as though they all know what it is like to be raped! Oh yeah and it no problem having to raise the child of the man from your nightmares! This is insane! Why can't we all just agree to disagree and let everyone do what they want to if it will make them happy, it's not like it will affect their lives in anyway. After all it is my life and not theirs!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lying Teachers and Sentence Imitation

"Antigua is a small place. Antigua is a very small place. In Antigua, not only is the event turned into everyday but the everyday is turned into an event. (Here is this: On Saturday, at market, two people who, as far as they know, have never met before, collide by accident; this accidental collision which the two people stand at opposite ends of a street and shout insults at each other at the top of their lungs. This event soon becomes everyday, for sometimes by accident, sometimes by design, the shouting and the insults begin.) But event turned into everyday and everyday turned into event do not remain event and everyday, in a fixed state. They go back and forth, exchanging places, and their status from day to day depends on all sorts of internal shadings and internal colourings, and the forces manipulate these internal shadings and internal colourings are kept deliberately mysterious and unknown." (56) -Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place

Certain teachers lie. Certain teachers are liars. These teachers, tell you something to win over your first impression of them yet they won't actually follow through with it. (This is how it goes: if you have a problem, with homework, classwork, anything, I can help, email me; when you actually email them with your problem you are instantly shot down with being told that their class should be priority over all your other classes and activities. This isn't right, he/she isn't going to help me, those were lies, this person is in fact a liar.) I don't understand why this teacher would tell an entire class to only earn the trust of everyone, and then crush it. Misleading students from day one, where is the logic, it really just doesn't make sense my brain can not connect these two ideas to fit in an logical point.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Things I Complain About On a Daily Basis


  • The fact that pet adoption organizations such as the Humane Society or ASPCA are so picky about giving pets to loving homes that they would rather euthanize a cat than give it to a family who would let it be an indoor and outdoor cat.
  • Why do people think that their opinion is superior, so much so that they think they should make laws to force people to abide by their opinion? For example many people don't believe in abortion or gay marriage so people want to make/keep it illegal. Why don't we just let everyone make their own decisions if it makes them happy and it doesn't hurt anyone else in the process? 
  • The noises people make while eating, I really don't want to hear all the moaning to let everyone know you're enjoying your food. 
  • People who chew gum like a cow with their mouth wide open while also making all the gross noises. 
  • When people say they hate America, a large majority of the ones I know don't know anything about this country. If you really don't like it then participate in politics or just leave. 
  • When I ask a question and I get a 20 minute response with no actual answer to the question.
  • Students who ask questions to things they already know in order to impress the teacher and make them seem interested, it's a waste of class time and most of the time you just sound like an idiot. 
  • When new rules are made to make things stricter on the students because of the minority of students who don't behave-- punish them, not the whole school. 
  • Teachers who say email them if you have a problem or need to reschedule a homework assignment. Saying they are "pretty cool" or "lenient," but when you do they either don't respond till the next day or just respond with "this class should be a priority above all of your other classes."
  • Lunch detentions for not having completed the homework in CGS. If this school is going to have tougher classes than BMHS and be on a different scale for student maturity, then shouldn't we go back to being treated like adults. After all it is our own responsibility to finish it on our own time.
  • Slow walkers who take up the whole hallway or who get mad when you pass them. 
  • People who complain about how boring our town is and that "there is nothing to do here." Try living in Elizabethton, Tennessee the fun thing the teenagers do there is meet up in a superstore parking lot and hang out. 
  • Putting tar over the cracks on the streets will only make the bumps worse. Seriously who's idea was that? 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Awesome and Over All Better Ashley

Ashley, that is the name my parents knew that they always wanted to name their daughter. The only problem with that was the fact that their first born was a boy. It took years for them to finally admit to us about initially being disappointed when they were given this shocking news and I of course took it upon my self to remind my older brother Patrick that I was "wanted" and therefore the "favorite" child everyday since then. Although there was another problem that occurred with this lovely name that my parents soon came to realize while signing me up for nursery school and it was that Ashley had been a very popular name for my generation. I then also came to this realization and thought it would be a great idea to just ditch the name entirely and tell everyone to call me by my new name, Rosie. Eventually after all the name tags I had stuck onto my shirt and the corrections I went through I became aware that I was stuck with Ashley. This name was a part of me that I could no longer just get rid of so I then sought out to make sure I made it unique to myself.

In the process of making this name unique I followed one of my passions, horseback riding. At the barn I made a very close friend who I work with everyday I am there, and can you guess what her name is? Ashley! As we both got older and eventually became instructors who give the younger kids lessons and during the summer counselors at the camp. We were then referred to by the campers as "Ashley A" and "Ashley B" even though I tried to convince the campers to refer to me as "The Awesome and over all better Ashley," they never caught on.

Over the years I learned that I can't make my name more unique literally, but I can by just being who I am. (Cheesy I know) But who I am is more important than the words I write down on my paper or the fact that I have to add numbers to a username when I try to use "ashleyaylward"and its already been taken.