Thursday, September 27, 2012


Everyone deserves a chance at a life is what most pro-life supporters argue. Chance is defined as a possibility of something happening. A possibility of something happening could also be a bad thing, kind of like a risk. There is always a reason behind terminating a pregnancy, no one ever just wakes up one morning deciding you want to kill a baby.

By taking away a woman's choice to dictate what they want to put their own body through, you're taking away their voice. Stepping back decades to when they couldn't vote, but maybe even further since now it would be taking away their right to be in charge of their own body. Anyway when you have to force someone to have a baby, to give that baby's life a chance you are also risking a chance of child abuse and neglect. Like I said, there is always a reason behind having to terminate a pregnancy whether it is because of medical reasons from the baby or the mother or a whopping 93% more likely to be due to social reasons such as not being financially stable for a child or the baby is unwanted. Sure adoption is an option but our adoption system already includes 423,000 children in the U.S. alone. The kids in this system seem to result in going from foster home to foster home and on average taking at least 3 years before the child is adopted. That is very hard for a young child to accept. In fact there is even a possibility for that child to be stuck in foster care all his or her life until he or she ages out like the other 29,000 each year.

Giving a baby a chance at life is also giving that baby a chance at not having a loving a family or even a family for that matter. We have to keep in mind that it is human for people to mess up and make mistakes so to not allow women to fix theirs isn't very fair. Especially when in can result in a life being brought into the world with a very grim and uncertain destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    this is a useful approach, I think, focusing on the word "chance." For the most part, it's effective. You may want to ultimately add more pathos to the part of your argument that focuses on the "chance" of abuse--you'll need to really paint the horrors of that option, I think, in order to totally sell this. (But I recognize that we're focusing on logos for this blog.)

    I'm not sure the tone of the last sentence in your first paragraph works quite the way you want it to--it would in other circumstances, but this is a pretty sensitive topic, so even though I understand your logic, you might consider something with less shock-value. You work your stats in nicely, although we do need your sources.

    Keep up the good work!
